Harry Truman (Print Only)
Harry Truman (Print Only)
IMAGE SIZE 2 3/4” X 27 3/4”
Things pictured in this President print reading Top to Bottom
Many Presidents were Masons, including Harry Truman. Truman was the only one to achieve the highest office in Masonry
He added color to the Presidential Seal
Truman was was from Missouri, “The Show Me State”
He signed the original charter of the United Nations
“GIVE EM HELL HARRY” lapel pin
Truman Doctrine and The Marshall Plan
He reconstructed the inside of the White House
“The Buck Stops Here”
The Mule Head. Truman once said “The mule has more horse sense”
The Atomic Bomb
Stalin & Churchill at Potsdam
The famous early edition of the Chicago Tribune (Dewey Defeats Truman)
Truman home in Independence, MO
Margaret Truman’s infamous career
The Boss is on the piano playing Chopin’s Minute Waltz. Truman did not like the Missouri waltz