Thomas Jefferson (Print Only)
Thomas Jefferson (Print Only)
IMAGE SIZE. 2 3/4” X 27 3/4”
Things pictured in this President print reading from the Top to Bottom
A map of the Louisiana Purchase
He is responsible for our monetary system being in units of 10
The medals read - Architect of Freedom, President of US & Governor of VA
He wrote his own epitaph listing the 3 things he was most proud of - Statute of Religious Freedom, Declaration of Independence, and Founder of the University of Virginia
The portfolio lists his many attributes including playing the violin
THE JEFFERSON BIBLE - Jefferson went through the New Testament and clipped out the passages he thought representedJesus’ true thought and published it in 3 languages including Latin.
The creed he wrote and lived by
His home at Montecello
Lewis & Clark with their Indian guide, Sacawawea
Standing on the Declaration of Independence